Quinta Brunson as Janine Teagues
Abbott Elementary
Quinta Brunson and Zack Fox as Janine and Tariq

Quinta Brunson and Tyler James Williams

Tyler James Williams as Gregory Eddie
JANELLE JAMES ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - “Ava vs. Superintendent” – With the school board threatening to pull their funds, Janine and Gregory decide to help Ava out with her presentation in front of the Superintendent. However, their plan is derailed when a curveball is thrown at Ava. Meanwhile, Barbara offends Melissa when she doesn’t agree with her blackmail idea on “Abbott Elementary,” TUESDAY, APRIL 5 (9:00-9:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Ser Baffo)
JANELLE JAMES ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - “Ava vs. Superintendent” – With the school board threatening to pull their funds, Janine and Gregory decide to help Ava out with her presentation in front of the Superintendent. However, their plan is derailed when a curveball is thrown at Ava. Meanwhile, Barbara offends Melissa when she doesn’t agree with her blackmail idea on “Abbott Elementary,” TUESDAY, APRIL 5 (9:00-9:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Ser Baffo)
QUINTA BRUNSON ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - “Ava vs. Superintendent” – With the school board threatening to pull their funds, Janine and Gregory decide to help Ava out with her presentation in front of the Superintendent. However, their plan is derailed when a curveball is thrown at Ava. Meanwhile, Barbara offends Melissa when she doesn’t agree with her blackmail idea on “Abbott Elementary,” TUESDAY, APRIL 5 (9:00-9:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Ser Baffo)

Chris Perfetti and Quinta Brunson

LISA ANN WALTER, SHERYL LEE RALPH, JANELLE JAMES ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - “Work Family” - After Jacob reveals a detail about his personal life, Janine realizes she doesn’t know the other teachers as well as she thought. Meanwhile, as Gregory’s stern teaching approach is causing his whole class to underperform, Barbara and Melissa teach him how to relax and make his lessons more fun. “Abbott Elementary” airs TUESDAY, FEB. 15 (9:00-9:30 p.m. EST), on ABC. (ABC/Ser Baffo)
JANELLE JAMES ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - “Ava vs. Superintendent” – With the school board threatening to pull their funds, Janine and Gregory decide to help Ava out with her presentation in front of the Superintendent. However, their plan is derailed when a curveball is thrown at Ava. Meanwhile, Barbara offends Melissa when she doesn’t agree with her blackmail idea on “Abbott Elementary,” TUESDAY, APRIL 5 (9:00-9:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Ser Baffo)
SHERYL LEE RALPH ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - ÒAva vs. SuperintendentÓ Ð With the school board threatening to pull their funds, Janine and Gregory decide to help Ava out with her presentation in front of the Superintendent. However, their plan is derailed when a curveball is thrown at Ava. Meanwhile, Barbara offends Melissa when she doesnÕt agree with her blackmail idea on ÒAbbott Elementary,Ó TUESDAY, APRIL 5 (9:00-9:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Ser Baffo)
CHRIS PERFETTI ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - “Ava vs. Superintendent” – With the school board threatening to pull their funds, Janine and Gregory decide to help Ava out with her presentation in front of the Superintendent. However, their plan is derailed when a curveball is thrown at Ava. Meanwhile, Barbara offends Melissa when she doesn’t agree with her blackmail idea on “Abbott Elementary,” TUESDAY, APRIL 5 (9:00-9:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Ser Baffo)
JANELLE JAMES ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - “Ava vs. Superintendent” – With the school board threatening to pull their funds, Janine and Gregory decide to help Ava out with her presentation in front of the Superintendent. However, their plan is derailed when a curveball is thrown at Ava. Meanwhile, Barbara offends Melissa when she doesn’t agree with her blackmail idea on “Abbott Elementary,” TUESDAY, APRIL 5 (9:00-9:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Ser Baffo)

Quinta Brunson and Tyler James Williams
Tyler James Williams as Gregory Eddie